Small Worlds Tokyo: A Miniature Journey Through Japan's Wonders

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Small Worlds Tokyo Explore one of the largest indoor miniature museums in the world, with expertly crafted dioramas capturing the essence of Japan.

Discover the magic of 7000 square meters filled with lifelike miniature dioramas.

Become a tiny resident of Small Worlds Tokyo!  Create a 1:80 scale model of yourself, ready to stay in one of our displays for an entire year

Take a trip to the Kansai International Airport area, where runways, departure lounges, and realistic airport scenes unfold.

Step into Tokyo and Beyond, a celebration of Japan's capital city.  From the iconic Tokyo Tower to bustling streets, this area encapsulates the essence of Tokyo in a miniature world

Venture into the  Space Fantasy Zone,  a realm of  imagination where futuristic landscapes and  vibrant colors  create a surreal experience.